Was driving home with kids in the back when this nob almost knocked me off the road when i checked my dashcam seemed the prick was getting head off a prostitue with pink hair that was sitting next to him.
Be careful if this twats driving in your area
Terrifying close pass followed by a threat. He didn't realise he was in the wrong lane for buses, taxi and bicycles, and claimed his close pass was not deliberate. Driver seemed to still be drunk from the night before.
Idiot female driver doesn’t pay attention to other traffic on the roundabout and pulls out in front of approaching traffic as if the roundabout is empty. A6/M6 J33 from Galgate onto M6 southbound - should have looked then waited to let vehicles to her immediate right in the roundabout pass.
This vans or vans are parked on a roundabout and blocking somebody's driveway which is blocking the view of the road ahead and could cause a serious collision!!
Thinks it’s acceptable to hit someone’s car (whilst they’re sat in their car parked up) and not even apologise!!! Judging by the state of the car, this wasn’t the first time either.
Was driving home with kids in the back when this nob almost knocked me off the road when i checked my dashcam seemed the prick was getting head off a prostitue with pink hair that was sitting next to him.
Be careful if this twats driving in your area