Time: 16:41 - 09/05/2015
Just dumped their car on double yellows. There was a blue badge holder on the other side (also has double yellows) parked and this Mazda didn't have a badge so it caused small congestion.
Ignorant old man deliberately pulled in parking space hitting my wing mirror because I was parked on the white line. I had no option but to park like this as the car on my passenger side was over the line as he could see. His reply was I hit your car on the way in and I shall be hitting it on the way out. Luckily he did more damage to his own car.
Rammed a key into an innocent 13 year old child’s face. Smashed up the side of a work van, thinking that his Ford Circus car would win. Oh well, made his ‘gay pride’ and joy even better by taking the paint off his doors giving it a multicoloured look, like you’d get from Yiannimize. All in all, a grade A* Wanker
Never seen someone park as horrifically in my life. Blocked the whole street off and left the car at a 45 degree angle, half on and half off the kerb.