OU54 WZA 2020-04-03 15:05:11

Doesn't like being called out
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OU57 ZXC 2020-03-15 11:40:00

Parks like this then proceeded to shout at everyone in the local area
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OU60 HXC 2020-03-20 19:22:38

Hillbilly Bell end. Learn to drive you inbred spunktard
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OU06 XKO 2020-03-18 17:23:34

If this car wobbles around on his lane in a motorway, that's pretty bad. That car can't go in a straight line.
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OU02 RLZ 2020-03-16 07:36:19

Every morning on the back road from Rushden to Sherrington this guy drives like he is possessed. Overtakes on blind corners. Tailgates constantly. Goes through villages at 50.
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OU17 BHE 2020-01-12 23:48:40

The arrogance of Plod is astonishing.
Make an error - not the end of the world - but why instinctively act like it's someone else's fault... that's sure to win over the public isn't it.
This should be a teachable moment, but it was an opportunity lost and represents a lot of what is wrong with the lack of good manners and mutual respect in Britain today.
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OU06 XUG 2020-01-21 10:46:20

No concept of an indicator at all
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OU66 MUY 2020-01-20 20:02:08

Oblivious lane hogger old man.Very boring video but believe me i could have uploaded 3 times as much footage as this
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OU06 HVZ 2020-01-11 19:23:11

Bloody scum of the earth Hyundai driver who today in heavy rain in Manchester City Centre around 6:45pm used the kerb to cut into queuing traffic at traffic lights and then violently swerved to avoid crashing into the side of a bus pulling out from the row of bus stops just before you get to Manchester Piccadilly Train Station.

Definitely either driving under the influence or mentally ill

His car (if you can call it that) also has no tax or MOT so please report if you see it.
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OU63 ZTK 2020-01-15 14:10:17

Are you blind?!? You absolute pyscho! Just drive right into the side of my car!! F-you!! And you didn’t even wave an apology! Jesus
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