OU52 XGT 2021-08-09 16:15:20

purpose built track car
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OU15 NJO 2021-08-08 15:25:28

Speeding on Stour road Astley
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OU19 FJF 2021-07-29 11:26:52

White van driver who thinks they are in a racing car, speeding close to others, cutting up other vehicles and speeding past road speed limits - danger to other road users!
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OU65 OCG 2021-07-19 21:36:33

Car almost hits me
Dangerous driver
Very rude
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OU17 WVX 2021-07-01 15:50:23

Let me tell you something about this UGLY woman. She approaches a roundabout, doesn't look right and pulls out infront of me. I sound my horn to make the oblivious bimbo aware of my presence. She then sticks her fingers up at ME out the window and calls ME a tosser. I approach her drivers window, she hits the brakes hard to avoid confrontation and swerves behind me flashing her lights (on a dual carriage way btw). I slow up and bit to wait for her, question her intelligence and then dust her silly ass.
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OU19 HRD 2021-06-18 17:05:24

One of Marlow's most courteous drivers! Perhaps the police and his/her insurers might like to know how they drive.
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OU66 YVC 2021-06-11 18:24:40

Speeds down the road while using the phone
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OU18 BFE 2021-06-11 19:25:28

Police that weren't abiding by the rules
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OU14 WCC 2021-06-02 12:49:53

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OU19 GWD 2021-05-23 18:42:06

Cocker sucker nonce

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Worst drivers in May

  1. B16 TAJ
  2. VK12 OLA
  3. B3 MMA
  4. GJ20 OSF
  5. SF11 FZZ
  6. LM60 CJY
  7. V60 CDW
  8. LT09 WVX
  9. G8 HDW
  10. RY21 KUT

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