I think something needs to be done about this particular road, if the council is reading. I'll explain why I think this is so..
You have a set of lights here that are extremely dangerous on account of a blind spot. So it's bad even at the best of times.
The roads are also narrow.
Added to this is the fact there is no ASL for cyclists in order to give them the more space - something they desperately need on account of the danger from cars.
So with this mix what you have here - on a daily basis - is (some) drivers trying to over-take cyclists where they simply shouldn't be over-taking, using their cars as a weapon to try and intimidate them out the way. What idiot would over-take on BLIND bend that can barely fit the width of one vehicle? Lots of idiots, apparently.
An ASL box on each road in front of the lights would at least make the people doing it think twice - if they keep doing it? Put a camera up. You might just catch the moronic fly-tippers parking there car on the bend and dumping their crap everywhere, too.
While you're at it - put down double white lines. It's blindingly obvious to the majority of drivers, not to over-take but as is life there is still that element who seems to think anything goes. And it routinely does.
This is a very dangerous road and set of lights. A minority of drivers (some of whom live nearby) are making it even worse just to try and race/beat other road users and put people's lives at risk!
I first encountered this dick when he decided to undertake a queue of traffic, and in doing so nearly goes in to the back of me, before weaving back out and cutting another car up. This in my opinion deserved a pap as he was driving like an absolute cock!
After this incident I simply carried on as normal. However, a little further down the road, this car had obviously been looking out for me and simply stopped in the middle of the road which caused a queue so that he could try and intimidate me as I drove past (didn't work). Having concluded that himself and his gobshite passenger had not succeeded in there plans, the sped up in front of me and nearly swerved in front of my car, missing the front end by a couple of feet at the most and stopped diagonally in front of me like the police would to bring a chase to the end. At this point the passenger was trying his best to get out of the car (but failed the door handle test) so I drove around him and carried on my way, which delightfully was not the way this moron was going.
I don't normally do this, but after getting a good look at the state of the driver and his pal, I can safely assume that either someone is missing their pride and joy and it hasn't yet been reported, or the car had been paid for by Colombia's finest! An absolute pair of chavy tramps!
You're going to get yourself killed riding that bike like some nutter with his hair on fire. That high-vis jacket doesn't help people in front see you coming up from behind.
What an idiot........ firstly can't park for the life of it and needs a taxi to the curb, whilst parking dangerously on a junction. Secondly parks in a resident only area where parking is already bad enough, but thinks because her parents own a house somewhere in the vaccinity gives her the right to park where she likes.
Pulled out in front from a side road on a 60mph road without any care or thought for our or their safety. Then proceeded to drive close to the curb almost rubbing on the curb several times. Drunk driver? Elderly reckless driver? Who knows, but their insurance company & Police should be aware!!!