OY07 BXO 2018-05-15 00:59:37

Wing mirror was hanging off and once the passenger alerted him, gave the response it was his ‘style of driving’
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OY07 BXO 2018-05-15 00:37:18

Mad fucker did doughnut in car park and went straight into the trolleys
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OY17 EPK 2018-04-29 18:56:13

Ahhh so this is where all our hard earned taxes go. Money well spent if you ask me. Why fund the NHS, police etc. when we can spend it on a lavish lifestyle for the royals? Good choice of car for the narrow streets of London, William! I can’t wait to go to work tomorrow and pay more tax for this deserving family. Would much rather know my money is being spend on Range Rover’s for princes instead of putting food on the table for my family and replacing my kids worn out shoes. After all, we are just one of millions of families but the Royals are so special innit.
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OY17 EPK 2018-04-23 17:49:53

Another expensive car paid for by taxpayers for the sole use of the biggest benefit scrounger in Great Britain.
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OY07 BXO 2018-04-16 19:57:35

Mad driver, did 31 on 30 zone mad bastard blasting billo ni tera lal gagra, eid every day for this mad fooka
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OY57 XAC 2018-02-28 12:24:07

Dangerous and aggressive driver!

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OY57 XAC 2018-02-28 17:35:57

Fancy that - a black person with an attitude!
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OY57 XAC 2018-02-27 18:09:03

You deserved that. Sitting in the middle lane , then pulling out on a vehicle. Prat
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OY15 GXC 2018-02-23 09:38:05

He is well known on the council estate for stealing and sniffing gas canisters.
Sadly most of the family are the same.
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OY13 RVA 2018-01-12 16:42:16

You shouldn't be on the phone behind the wheel though should you, even if you are stationary. Idiot.
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