No surprise he's on here. Private plate is now remembered for all the wrong reasons. Even when his attempts to control others backfired he posts to a driving instructor still believing he's right. Thanks for linking that video - made my day.
Slow arse in a grey Range Rover Evoque. 30mph zone & 3 people nip in to the left lane to pass this idiot & then cut back to the right lane because they must be doing about 15mph & taking an absolute eternity to pull away from traffic lights when they turn green.
Dithering old woman in a Seat Arona. Lights on green but they've been on green for a little bit & they'll be due to turn red. She's crawling at an absolute snails pace as though she's wanting to get caught at the lights.
Get off the bloody road.
Average speed zone 50mph & they do 30mph all the way. Drops to a 40 zone & this dickhead stays doing 30mph. Massive line of traffic behind them because they're too much of a shit driver to do the speed limit.
Stop parking on the footpath!!!