Shagged out peugeot speeding up behind drivers in the outside lane of A14. Sits close to cars in front with his indicator on trying to move them out of the way. Drives far too fast in freezing condition and very aggressive. Accident waiting to happen. Oh, and he’s a chav plate twat. 🤣🤣🤡
A luton style van driving around Sutton area full of furniture.
Went to overtake a bus already indicating and pulling away from the bus stop, honks his horn, then gets in front and aggressively stops for no reason. Starts loving again very slowly and stopping in front of the bus intimidatingly.
When turning off, flipped off the bus.
Couldn’t see any company logos on the vehicle, but reckless driving and surely caught on the bus cameras.
Shagged out peugeot speeding up behind drivers in the outside lane of A14. Sits close to cars in front with his indicator on trying to move them out of the way. Drives far too fast in freezing condition and very aggressive. Accident waiting to happen. Oh, and he’s a chav plate twat. 🤣🤣🤡