You almost bloody crashed into me hadn't I slammed on the brakes. No attempt to rectify your path crossing lanes in a big roundabout. Next time please tick your car between the white lines, shouldn't be too difficult for you sweetheart.
drives at 20mph and constantly brakes for no reason, fell asleep on the lights and needed to be honked at in order to move, stay back this lady is crazy
James Hughes Caritas Care manager of react project operating out of Plungington community centre. Talks rubbish to us at running but shooting mouth off we now know who he is now. A grass and thinks he's a big man but is a weasely weedy guy avoid him he's dangerous
You almost bloody crashed into me hadn't I slammed on the brakes. No attempt to rectify your path crossing lanes in a big roundabout. Next time please tick your car between the white lines, shouldn't be too difficult for you sweetheart.