You parked miles away from my car, so how in the fuck did you still manage to hit the side of my car with your door, and then just walk away from it and not acknowledge me sitting inside it?
Shouldn't be on the road, constantly beeping people in aldi carpark who were just reversing out. Patience! Worst part is, he then proceeded to make his own parking spot OUTSIDE of the white lines. Total wankstain.
At 19:40 on 20/11/2018
A6 Lancaster University
With no cars in front and several behind, this driver moves into the fast lane to obstruct motorists from behind passing if the wanted to. Is this driver a self-appointed highways officer?
Exclusive idiot. I'm in the outside lane with a Porsche in front of me. This pulls in front of the Porsche at the last second so the Porsche driver has to slam on the brakes. This guy is totally oblivious.
Shockingly dangerous driver. Excessive speed, erratic overtaking - nearly hit a cyclist as well as the car in front of her that was stopping for a red light. Then proceeded to follow the cyclist round a corner, drive alongside them and shout abuse at them. Only a matter of time before she kills someone.
You parked miles away from my car, so how in the fuck did you still manage to hit the side of my car with your door, and then just walk away from it and not acknowledge me sitting inside it?
Be more careful you utter bellend.