RO04 ONZ 2016-02-23 19:28:13

Just fucking hate this guys attitude. Feel kind of bad for him though. Parents have spoiled him buying him a car at 17 and you can tell he was a brat when he was younger. Prick's driving is aggressive and competitive.
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RE51 DES 2016-02-28 04:25:32

Statistically he'll be injured or killed first, but it seems some people never learn until it's too late..
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RN02 AZF 2016-02-23 21:38:22

✗ Untaxed
Tax due: 14 February 2016
Expires: 01 June 2016
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RO04 ONZ 2016-02-08 20:11:52

Completely disagree, Friday last week I think it was, Ryton, nearly knocked me off my bike, bus was coming other way, he should have waited behind parked cars and given way to bus. He had a girl in front seat next to him, obviously just come back from Mcdonalds at Blaydon for their romantic date. Stupid bugger nearly killed me. Judging by the amount of negative feedback from this prick we ought to get him off the road. Oh and by the way, music taste has nothing to do with how well someone drives.
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RJ62 TXU 2016-02-11 19:51:11

Where's the earlier video that shows what you did to provoke him?
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RY55 FXW 2016-02-09 17:25:15

Can't drive 5 yards without hitting something, inside is like a wardrobe and the outside has been debadged in the hope people forget it's a SEAT.
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RO04 ONZ 2016-02-04 23:27:21

Fantastic driver with a great taste of music!
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RK07 KOB 2016-01-27 19:47:53

8 times I've seen this car driving around,
5 times in the last week and he was doing
60 miles per hour in a 40!!
Serious improvement needed in
Learning to drive.
Of course the police
Will catch him soon, I hope
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RK07 KOB 2016-01-27 19:41:50

I was driving on a tole road when I came across this driver. I expected him to show some consideration for other drivers but nothing of the sort transpired.
It took us so long to reach out destination that I was utterly furious.
I recall being 8:56 minutes late which was caused by him driving so slowly.
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RO04 ONZ 2016-02-01 19:33:06

What a CUNT! Prudhoe- speeding and paying no care to the road, nearly ran an old couple over. Needs to turn down his stupid music. Thinks he's hard and big.
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