Snooping around private property after dark, picked up on a camera leaving in a hurry after clocking it. Spotted in Farmham the following day pulling out on someone, immediately recognised the reg from camera footage the night before
Scummy mummy with her son (approx 10 and looking towards the obese side) couldn't be bothered about disabled people and probably because other Parents & *Toddlers* spaces were all full decided she couldn't be arsed to park anywhere else because she can.
Yes it's an ongoing problem in many superstore car parks - inconsiderate sub-human lowlife scum park were they want because they can - well I can record and I can upload so that others know fully what sort of an inconsiderate scummy person you are
Rant over....fuck no! How about paying your VED?
✗ Untaxed
Tax due:
01 December 2017
Snooping around private property after dark, picked up on a camera leaving in a hurry after clocking it. Spotted in Farmham the following day pulling out on someone, immediately recognised the reg from camera footage the night before