RJ13 TWA 2023-02-12 22:35:14

TWA is about right. Fucking twat of a driver in a white VW Caddy in Cockerham. Roads wide as you like, nothing coming in the opposite direction & plenty of visibility yet this idiot in a van marked up GCHaulage gchaulage.co.uk overtakes cyclist stupidly close. No other car needed to do it so why you you bellend?
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RJ58 YVH 2023-02-07 01:03:47

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RJ64 YMA 2023-01-27 16:17:27

Female driver parked vehicle RJ64 YMA on yellow zig-zags outside a primary school during the prohibited period on 27/01/2023 with blatant disregard.
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RJ22 XPZ 2023-01-24 22:32:11

Good guy. Very fast driver. Good at overtaking cars: in a good way.
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RJ21 NFG 2022-12-28 01:04:30

Ignorant driver parked non EV car in EV charging space. Westgate Oxford Carpark
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RJ06 UOR 2022-12-04 21:24:32

Nearly hitting two cars in quick succession! I was up on the grass and they still nearly hit me. Closest I've come to an accident without an accident. Having a nice drink on a Sunday?
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RJ56 YPX 2022-12-01 17:24:38

Awful driver! Pulled out in front of a car and nearly caused an accident in Burnham. Grey VW. Shouldn't be on the road!
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RJ63 EHU 2022-10-29 16:15:35

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RJ63 BZH 2022-10-27 10:09:19

Deliberately pushes in, mate your not better than anyone else, in fact pushing in makes you worse, but your tiny brain will never accept this. It was 26/10/22 just in case this date links to an important reason you can use as explanation.
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RJ64 VVG 2022-10-09 19:08:50

Reckless van nonce

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