Who does this absolute mongoloid think he is in his spastic little golf?? I'd drop this cunt in my Passat anyday, plus he looks like a complete autistic manchild.
He did nothing wrong. He changed lanes without incident. IT was probably because you and others were hogging lanes. Stop whining and look at your own failings.
Shared use facility is also a pain in the ass. People with their backs to you, not assuming they have to share. Some listening to music totally unaware of their surroundings. Some going out of their way cause problems in the knowledge pedestrians have ultimate priority..basically just being assholes for the sake of it. Kids running all over thee place. Bumps. Glass. Idiots on bikes thinking it's a race track. This country sometimes seems so backward when it comes to civil engineering. And no, to all you pig-ignorant drivers out there: cyclists do NOT have to use shared use facilities, cycle tracks or cycle lanes. Don't like it don't drive. Get used to it.
Awesome Driver