What a surprise, White bmw undertaking and cutting up on A14. You could see why the outside lane was stuck at 56 mph. The two trucks ahead were a fucking clue but you have to speed up the inside and undertake 6 cars. Then cut inti a gap that isn’t there making the more considerate drivers hit the brakes and cause everyone else to brake hard. What a useless fucking tool you are. Always a twat in a bmw, will only get worse when you upgrade to an Audi. Cunt.
A BMW Driver nearly crashed into me because they have a piece of cardboard blocking the driver side window.
I don’t get how some can be that dumb to block their own window.
Grey Hyundai driving like a total arse, no regard for speed limits or stopping distances. Of course, it's an emissions-tuned diesel i30 so his foot has to be welded to the floor anyway but that's no excuse for speeding, dangerous overtakes and even worse tailgating
Bunching it all together to say RO56TER means fuck all.
Maybe it mashed your brain as well as you couldn’t be bothered to stop at the zebra crossing.