Today a person who drove this car forced my learner driver daughter to get off the road to avoid a collision as this driver was on our side of the road. He or she smashed our car driver side mirror and drove off. A person who drove behind this driver stopped and provided us with a reg number. I am happy my daughter reacted well but this driver should be ashamed of themselves.
Lovely lady, helped me out when I had an accident, stopped to make sure me and my kids were ok and offered to take us to the Walk in Centre in her car. Really lovely person. Thought I should add a positive comment to thank her.
This driver deliberately ignored the 2 lanes merging in to one lane, blocked another lane to try and cut in front of the two merging lanes at a stupid speed during ice and snowy roads! Then proceeded to cut into moving traffic after cutting in again nearly causing ANOTHER accident as decided she didn’t want to wait in the queue to go left!
A silly cow no liking where she is going.
Pulling out in front of traffic.
Blocking the road.
Driving under the speed limit of 60 by 30mph.
Causing tailbacks and generally being a fucking pain.
Piss odd you rancid old cow.
Car was stolen from wellingborough early this year