I'd just like to say how reckless your driving is. Yes I'm the little blue Peugeot you tried to run off the road the other morning. Churchill Way in Basingstoke is 40mph. You obviously don't know that so I thought I would tell you.
Anyway I was doing about 39mph (in a 40) and you came right up my arse before swerving into the right hand lane in the path of an oncoming vehicle (a black Audi) who I saw flash his lights at you. You then cut up back in front if me almost taking my bumper off, only to be stuck at red traffic lights. Your dangerous and stupid manoeuvre didn't actually get you anywhere except one car in front. You saw me in your rear view mirror and gave me the finger sign (thank you - it's on camera)
As you sped from the lights you were obviously doing more than the 30mph limit As you were out of sight in seconds.
Further on down the road I caught up with you again. This time you were stuck behind a bus. As the road straightened out you decided to overtake the bus.
Do you not know what a speed limit is? I hope your employer sees this and sees you for what an absolute prick of a driver you are.
If you were late for work may I suggest you wake up earlier? I hope you get your license taken away and points on your license for dangerous driving.
On finishing I would like to thank you. My morning started off well until I met you. I arrived at work pissed off and shaken by your actions. Why would you pick on a stranger like that? You could have run me off the road. An expense I cannot afford right now after just losing my job. My car is my lifeline and something i cant do without.
Awful driver most likely doesn't have a brain that works when he is driving. Should take a driving test or better still be banned from driving. Has no idea about a 30mph limit
Does not know how to use lanes on a motorway. Learn how to drive or get off the roads.