Maybe all you people with nothing to do could at least get your facts right. If the boy was speeding would have he. It have been charged right away!! The poor guy that died was drunk and in the road. Why? The car never went on the pavement and the driver was sober. Maybe you should all print the facts or shut the hell up about things you know bugger all about! The driver is devastated as anyone would be....
Why does someone keep on rating this little idiot as a good driver? He clearly isn't showing any remorse for his actions and is sadly and worryingly probably still driving around in mummy and daddy's car. Hopefully justice will be served by his new room mates once he is actually jailed.
Kids will grow up never knowing their father because some prick in a pissy wee 1.2 fiesta thinks he can drive but turns out he is a fucking bellend. Seen many times flying around the roads. Such a shame for that family. Hope his licence is removed, banned and then jail him 😡
he's been reported to the police a number of times.. terrible driver. Now the victims family have to life a life without a dad. He should get a life sentence
An absolute joke of a driver. Clearly has no sympathy for what he has caused! 2 young girls left without a dad! Heartless cunt. Deserves to rot in jail. Inconsiderate cunt.
There's a Just Giving page to raise money for the family of the man who died.