Complete and utter wanker. Drives around like he’s trying to prove something. Thinks he is above the law. I hope he hasn’t got any kids in the car! The mans a dick.
This TYPICAL moronic, imbecilic Audi driving ARSEHOLE thinks he is the ONLY person on the road.
Between Peasenhall and Saxmundham, Sunday March 17th, this CRETIN came round the corner on the wrong side of the road forcing me to stop or crash into him, or the nearside curb. I would love to leave an Audi 4 ring impression on his forehead by smashing his thick head repeatedly into his idiotic steering wheel.
Some Asian chav who spends most of his time at a car wash (Super Quick Shine) in Manchester in what looks like a modded Audi RS6. You can tell where he gets his
money from by just looking at his attention seeker number plate...
This car just sped to undertake me when approaching traffic lights, doing the same to 4 or five other cars in front of me and coming very close to causing an accident. Reporting as had my 8 month old in the car at the time and he undertook very close to the back side of the car where baby is strapped in. Hoping this has potential to stop further bad driving and prevent any nasty accidents
Does anybody know how to find out who currently owns this car? Was sold on Saturday there and I missed out on the sale, want too offer the boy too buy it from him. Thanks