Prick sits in the right hand lane, not overtaking anything as there was fuck all there, of a dual carriage way from the M5 and then slowly gets over when he realises he’s embarrassed himself. He then tries to jam into the left hand turning in Stourbridge but no one lets the cunt in. He then carries on through lights to make an illegal left turn and force some poor fucker to slam their brakes on as he shouldn’t have been there. Cunt.
Was turning out of a side street from standing AFTER the amber warning lights had started at Farncombe East level crossing so there's NO excuse for this misuse, other than being an impatient prick.
Just because your mates were undertaking at a roundabout, doesn't mean that you should. Super clear markings, you still managed to get into the wrong lane, cut into my lane and I had to take evasive action not to hit you.
Prick sits in the right hand lane, not overtaking anything as there was fuck all there, of a dual carriage way from the M5 and then slowly gets over when he realises he’s embarrassed himself. He then tries to jam into the left hand turning in Stourbridge but no one lets the cunt in. He then carries on through lights to make an illegal left turn and force some poor fucker to slam their brakes on as he shouldn’t have been there. Cunt.