That was probably the most dickest way of confronting another driving. Like how does he still hold a licence.
Him: Let me just charge full speed down this road at them, then slam on my breaks and skid to a halt in front of them.
Is there something written on his clothing.. does it say something about Asset Management? Alan Steel Asset Management? Please note this is purely speculative.
On the first photograph it looks as if they are just watching their mobile phone, But on the second you can see the driver adjusting his phone, The third you can clearly see him using his mobile and finally the last one he may be putting his phone back on its holder or maybe taking a video or photo, At first it looks all innocent but looking again why is he using his mobile in the first place, Question was he driving when these images we're taking, Next question was he parked in a place that others should be informed about ie a school etc, Let us know more thanks
"I didn't do anything wrong" after knocking a cyclist over and then attempting to drive off. Even if she's thick enough to think she didn't do anything wrong, why didn't she check the cyclist was ok like any decent human being would?
THE SCAMMER thet to get you to buy car through ebay and paypal be warned....