SJ60 YBA 2015-08-10 12:25:03

Who is this beardy twat in the passenger seat? He looks like someone I'd want to punch even before his dippy shag tried to kill the cyclist. Perhaps they were too busy trying to find his cock and they weren't paying attention. He's great with the "fuck" language because he never learnt anything else at "school". Anyone find this cock on Facebook?
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SG59 XUK 2015-08-11 23:43:14

Very strange we always see him after work whe walk down a long road that 20mins an he drives past us about 6 times an just stares at us he freaks us all out
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S44 LET 2015-08-11 08:28:46

Typical Range Rover driver
The car can go anywhere so I can park it anywhere......
Or "f&ck you, I'm sh£tproof in my 4x4 tank"
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SJ60 YBA 2015-08-10 19:16:20

The OP should report this to police if not already. His saying that cyclists shouldn't be on the road will probably earn a letter from plod. Not that he'd care by the look of it, but hey ho.
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SJ60 YBA 2015-08-10 12:37:33

He's also a dickhead for trying to do a Rufus Hound lookalike but failing. WHAT A KNOB!
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SJ60 YBA 2015-08-09 16:22:56

great driving. I hate cyclists too!
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SG07 VEY 2015-08-06 07:13:20

We dirty stays just round the corner from me. Crap we red corsa. Thinks she's some sort of gangster her n her ugly boyfriend.
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S21 LVC 2015-08-03 18:20:42

I seen this car he let me though very polite and patient
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SV53 FZY 2015-07-21 14:05:57

Idiot driver! Not got a clue! Driving a huge motorway maintenance lorry not having any consideration for anyone else on the road. This guy is going to kill someone! He should lose his job and most definitely his licence!! Shocking he is on the road in control of such a large vehicle capable of a lot of damage! Nearly killed me!
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SL08 VDX 2015-07-18 11:08:14

So it ain't just me that this woman has offended on the roads

Maybe her guy should take her car off her, Not being sexist

If this car belongs to her hubby then he will get some stick no doubt for her style of driving

It's no wonder there is still road rage on our roads if persistant drivers like this woman choose to ignore the highway code as well as other drivers safety

I think that all those people that have left a comment on this page should report this womans driving to police, After all she would no doubt report you to police if you did the same thing to her
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