He did nothing wrong and if any of you have a motorbike like me and many others you would know that we don't stick to speed limits i ride as fast as I can everywhere in fact I have wheelied down the M1 before at 196 miles per hour on my GSXR 1000 and I have been on my back wheel down the M1 passing police on my back wheel doing a ton so Fuck you
You control the gap at the front of your own car. In this clip it's clear that you slowed down to antagonise the driver behind. Sounding your horn and gesticulating to another driver to slow down moving away from you - which rule is that from?
Seems to me you're as bad as each other in this clip. Calm down.
Can see what was happening here right from the start.. taxi driver, whether rightly or wrongly, ended up in the cycle box. Didn't like the cyclist using the box and getting in front in order to remain visible. Then tries to seek revenge by using their car as a weapon. And All that on a road that has tram tracks. Driver, you sir are a fucking cunt.
Drives right on my bumper upsetting me