Daft blonde tart racing down the outside lane approaching Sainsbury's in Lancs. She's supposed to turn to sunseekers with the lane that she's in but at the last second pulls in to the middle lane right in front of another car. Stupid tart.
Hey cuntface. See when I'm indicating to move into your lane, there's an obstruction in mine and I have no other options short of slamming on the brakes.
A mouthy wanker that thought it was appropriate to sexually harass me from the safety of his massive white Ford van. He then proceeded to follow me on my walk so that he could shout inappropriate remarks another two times. I was gonna say I feel bad for his wife since she's married to a middle aged nonce but the activities he displayed today suggests to me he is unmarried. Your life must be very miserable if, like him, you decide to nonce on some young girls during your Wednesday lunch break. I can understand lockdown is boring but, unlike this bastard, I haven't yet been bored enough to engage in paedophilia. On a serious note though the thought that a grown adult man can be so inappropriate to a minor, making them feel vulnerable and worthless without any consequence is actually very disturbing. If any one reading this has the capability of finding this guy's email address, please subscribe him to scientology. If not, an angry face book message will do. Cheers.
If you want the number plate you left attached to my bumper when you rear ended me then drove off...