This fucking idiot *in his liveried van* absolutely could not stay behind me at this roundabout for some reason. So he decided the thing to do was floor it into the outside lane as I moved off and use it to overtake through the roundabout. All he ended up doing was cutting me off and saving maybe 1 or 2 seconds - great job idiot!
Totally pointless, he must have known I was either taking the exit before his one (in which case no need to overtake at all) or if I was taking his exit then it leads straight onto a dual carriageway where he'd have a whole fucking extra lane to overtake.
Complete retard, drove the entire legth of the M6 in the middle lane bouncing between 80 and 50 for absolutely no reason and kept sitting in the blind spot of cars or following way too close. Definitely got their license in a cereal box
The driver of Bob's Garage run around had no intention of providing adequate space or even slow down.