Registration number: SC09OWA
Body type: 3 Door Hatchback
Colour: Blue
Date of first registration: June 2009
Idiotic female tailgater between Bridgemere and Nantwich on the A51 - no lane discipline or hazard perception - I slow down for bends and where the road narrows to go over a small bridge and she is up my backside. Doesn’t give me much space.
This daft prick throws his lump through a 30mph roundabout at 50, entering on the LH-turn-only lane, cutting through the straight-over lane and into the RH-turn, just to then cut back across and exit straight-over.
He then tailgated aggressively and tried to edge around other cars.
This reckless driving did him no good at all as I was sat right behind him at the next lights 😂
Registration number: SC65VXV
Body type: 5 Door Hatchback
Colour: Black
Date of first registration: November 2015
Speeder and tailgater in 20 zones around Lancaster. Especially Edward Street, Alfred Street, St Leonard’s Gate and Bulk Road.