Black Ford Focus Zetec Male Driver Dark Hair 40s Liverpool.
Completely ignores a merge into a single lane and decides to swing out into the opposite lane and overtake three cars at way above the limit in a residential area. Car behind him gestures (wave of the hand, notning offensive). Focus then breaks hard and stops, causing all the cars behind him to stop. Starts flipping off the driver behind him and geaturing him to pull level and tappiing his breaks. other driver isn't an idiot so doesn't bite. Focus goves up and speeds off at 50 in the 30. I follow him for a bit. See him speeding again, breaking hard for a camera. Takes a sharp right turn without alowing and no indication.
This driver is apsolutaly shit and does not know how to slow down. He ran 3 red lights and nearly hit 2 old women crossing the road also he drove on yhe weong side of the road just to over take another car wich was goin around 80 mph in a 40mph area wich means he was also goin oner the speak limit
From what I could see, this guy is a young man and he is very respectable on the roads. I was behind him for about 7 miles and he stuck to the speed limit and didn't get annoyed when people were overtaking. He also dealt with a cyclist very well.
Deliveroo moped driver who drives dangerously in Glasgow's West End. I've seen them being dangerous three separate times:
* overtook me into oncoming traffic when there was no space. I had to slam on the brakes to let them into the lane.
* ran a red light
* drove down Byres Road (pedestrian heavy) staring at their phone, held in one hand down by their knee.