A Black Ford Focus ST thinking its okay to drive at at least 50 mph in a 30 zone on the A58 near Seacroft in the proximity of a primary school and nursery at half 8 in the morning.
Did not understand the concept of traffic merging on the A417 Nettleton roundabout. Despite clearly being in front, our hero kept trying to undertake, eventually he started to hit my car and bash my wing mirror with his fist. Reported to police. This photo taken as the driver is to the right trying to overtake on a double continuous white line. Foolish young man.
Complete cunt can't be bothered waiting in the traffic queue so skips on the right hand lane proceeding to cut off everyone on the roundabout, smirking as he cut me off. Absolute dick
This idiot should not be on the road drove right up my bumper weaving in out to over take in front of lorries then continue on his wreckless behaviour by continuing to overtake on a busy road
Young driver was very courteous
Even stopped to help me with my car when I had issues