Great Bridge is a hive of scum. If they aren't racing bikes at people on the pavement they're trying to rob people taking money out of cash-points. Endless streams of wasters trying to cause decent people problems.
07:00 You are an idiot. That car was initiating a turn before you cleared that junction and you were speeding up so fast, you caused them to panic. This is your error, not theirs. Slow the fuck down and grow up.
06:00 Needless aggression and speeding.. had you been driving slower, you would have had AMPLE time to assess the situation and waiting to turn - as requried. But no, you just had to make a point, didn't you? You just had to piss someone off needlessly to make yourself feel wanted. There there.
00:45 Another reason why you should not over-take across junctions; in this instance, with a bend, cyclist (aka vulnerable road users), and the sun behind you..
Speeding through the Cotswolds and nearly run over a woman.