SN51 DTF 2016-07-27 18:35:42

Traffic ahead stopped - that's why I was slowing
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SN12 EGV 2016-07-16 21:26:56

Can they do that?
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SN14 HFF 2016-06-24 10:22:46

Here we go again....

Idiot Motorcyclists risking everyone's lives for a quick thrill.

Not to mention the poor Police Officers, Fire and Rescue services, nurse and doctors that have to scrape these people off the tarmac and put them back together. A general drain on our already stretched emergency services.

I hope they all get tarmacked!!!!!!
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SN14 HFF 2016-04-28 16:54:47

He did nothing wrong and if any of you have a motorbike like me and many others you would know that we don't stick to speed limits i ride as fast as I can everywhere in fact I have wheelied down the M1 before at 196 miles per hour on my GSXR 1000 and I have been on my back wheel down the M1 passing police on my back wheel doing a ton so Fuck you
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SN10 EJU 2016-04-20 18:39:50

Driver nearly hits a cyclist but gets defensive when asked about it. If she doesn't know what she did wrong she should not be driving.
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SN10 EJU 2016-04-20 13:33:15

Can see what was happening here right from the start.. taxi driver, whether rightly or wrongly, ended up in the cycle box. Didn't like the cyclist using the box and getting in front in order to remain visible. Then tries to seek revenge by using their car as a weapon. And All that on a road that has tram tracks. Driver, you sir are a fucking cunt.
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SN61 CRJ 2016-04-17 20:20:23

Just a shame he's a sausage jockey.
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SN62 AVB 2016-04-14 19:32:10

Pisses me off when they do that especially as steering becomes heavier when going downhill.. one slip and you're all over the road. Selfish pricks.
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SN64 TYO 2016-03-05 04:54:37

Is it just me or is the camera car going too fast for the road and conditions?
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SN10 ENK 2016-02-26 00:59:47

This needs filming as potential evidence. Throwing items at someone is also assault..and people have been convicted for it. If what you say is occurring on a regular basis then it should be easy to film - use anything. Get witnesses. Then call the police. If they try to squeeze you off the road, make sure you ride primary (aka taking the lane). Let the driver make it worse for himself, if he must, but never ride in the gutter. As mentioned, witnesses and footage are crucial. Stay safe mate, all the best.
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