Terrible driver, trying to over take lorry on blind bends and pulling out in front of on coming traffic, eventually pulling out and overtaking in front of an oncoming artic, narrowly missing a head on collison
This guy is a total cunt. He pulled out of a junction as i was approaching maybe 3 cats eyes away distance wise in Tain as i was driving minding my own business and I almost took him side on. Arsehole. I had my newborn on board. Cunt.
I am a learner driver and was driving along the colnbrook bypass dead on the speed limit of 50mph and had a lorry driving way too close behind to the point where I couldn't see anything out of the back window. So when getting to the point where I can move over into the left hand lane I do so, so that the driver can pass, still sticking to the speed limit, then both lanes were merging into one and the driver still hadn't made it and stuck behind me however just as it became one lane decided to speed up and pull in close to the point where I had to slam my breaks on and swerve onto the curb into the rubble whilst they were carrying on. If I had not taken drastic action there would have been a serious collision, the driver took no notice and carried on speeding.
Licence from a lucky bag