Lets not forget peeps - within 20 mtrs around a bend or in front of these pavement parkers there are layby's set aside for additional parking.
Every (and I mean every single one) of the properties on the estate have carports on the property or within walking distance.
The title deeds of all the properties state "there should be no on street parking additional parking laybys are provided around the estate for when you have visitors etc" or similar
Yet these uncaring lazy car drivers don't think about anyone else except themselves
Followed by this guy black Mercedes for the most part along the a96, risky overtakes and speeding but then at Fochabers roundabout northbound he goes for an overtake but here I mean overtaking a car already in that lane in the process of passing another vehicle.. This guy must have been less than 6ft off ending up head on with a truck in the oncoming lane. I'm used to seeing stupid drivers on this road but this guy tops the chart
Was driving along a road one night and turned the corner to see this absolute weapon of an Astra being driven by 'big p'. The car had just ramped over 12 gypsies caravans and 4 transit vans. Sadly the final hurdle, a canny left bend, was its final resting place. This is where I seen the fine beast being lifted out the park by its Arse into its grave
30/09/16 13:55 On my road bike coming into Bridge of Earn on A912 and this green tractor passed me on the corner heading in same direction. Must have been within one foot of hitting me.
Reg SV60SZK this is a red Cheve Cruze Loaned to a customer they have failed to return and the car has now been reported stolen if anyone knows the whereabouts of this car please email royakirk@gmail.com
Cut us up dangerously, nearly taking the front end off our car then hurls obsene abuse at my husband and I and threatened to "smash us in", he was challenging my husband to get out and fight him! Absolute piece of scum, I hope his employers read this!
Pavement parking
Lets not forget peeps - within 20 mtrs around a bend or in front of these pavement parkers there are layby's set aside for additional parking.
Every (and I mean every single one) of the properties on the estate have carports on the property or within walking distance.
The title deeds of all the properties state "there should be no on street parking additional parking laybys are provided around the estate for when you have visitors etc" or similar
Yet these uncaring lazy car drivers don't think about anyone else except themselves