Complete cock! Drives like the size of his car 2” dick! Very surprised if this tool has a valid drivers license. Most likely a disqualified renting out his cell whilst he’s out from juve.
Abandoned or broken down? this car appear too of been dumped. vue cinema car park altrincham cheshire. someone has got to be missing it 4 parking ticket on the windows
Truck driver for PTS (Plumbing Trade Supplies) leans a bit by cornering too hard on approach to the South Devon Highway in Torquay. Then he cuts across to my lane without warning and only starts to signal once he's half in the lane. He then brakes for no reason and appears to try to pass the other vehicles on the inside lane.
the fat twat and his granny (driver) shouldn't be allowed out, ran into kerb trying to shout abuse at some little kids, and he was in a scout uniform, says it all
On the way to manchester. This Dumbass is all over the road. Don't know if he's drunk or just bloody stupid