Very very good driving by this driver. She helped me out with reversing and parking as I had passed 1week ago. She is brilliant she taught me to do a number of things that my old instructor didn’t tell me😁😁
Stupid twat. Cut across three lanes going about 50MPH when traffic was slow moving, then undertook another car not long after. Sunderland highway. The sort of person who deserves to crash and only cause injury to themselves.
What is it with some drivers? I was driving slowly because of pedestrians in the road due to the fact the pavement was like a skating rink.
It would be stupid for someone to drive as close as this in normal conditions, on snow and ice it’s madness. I would not even park that close in this weather.
Turning right on my bike, I indicated well in advance; did the last check over my right shoulder and saw this white minivan accelerating at me and swerve to my right onto the wrong side of the road. If I hadn't pulled my arm in at the last moment, I expect he'd'be taken it off; if I'd not done the check over my shoulder, I expect I'd be dead