02:19 Fair play. Cyclist should have been more aware, and given clear indication of their intent. Generally speaking, turning right into side roads is one thing I generally hate on a bike..you HAVE to know what you're doing and even then, you cannot guarantee the person behind you (irrespective of their mode of transport), is capable of reading the road.
Where I live for instance, it's nigh on impossible to turn right because most of the time you have people in vehicles that think you should be in the gutter all the time; they do not respect the fact you can ride primary, and can turn right like others. It's so bad there's certain roads many cyclists simply avoid for these reasons. Cyclists don't have mirrors, or indicators, and are far more vulnerable hence the need to learn and practice cycle craft skills - even though it is the responsibility of the driver NOT to over-take where it is neither safe nor practical. And yes, some cyclists are just anti-social assholes. I've had my fair share of run-ins with this lot..on my own bike. We are not all the same an some of us appreciate drivers like the one shown in this video :)
Don't engage. Don't ask (what I consider to be loaded questions). Don't swear, use vulgarity or in any other way give them an inch. Just..film..report to the police.
I'm not against you. I'm not against you making a complaint. All I'm saying is, you MUST take the moral high ground here. Anything less and you're leaving yourself open to litigation. I've dealt with people of this mentality, and they may use every trick in the book to try and make you look bad - don't give it to them on a plate.
the cyclists were in a group right? in a single line? or two, three abreast? does this explain how its easier to pass a group of cyclists side by side, rather than strung out, putting the overtaking vehicle at more risk of a collision with oncoming traffic due to being sat out for more time?
02:19 Fair play. Cyclist should have been more aware, and given clear indication of their intent. Generally speaking, turning right into side roads is one thing I generally hate on a bike..you HAVE to know what you're doing and even then, you cannot guarantee the person behind you (irrespective of their mode of transport), is capable of reading the road.
Where I live for instance, it's nigh on impossible to turn right because most of the time you have people in vehicles that think you should be in the gutter all the time; they do not respect the fact you can ride primary, and can turn right like others. It's so bad there's certain roads many cyclists simply avoid for these reasons. Cyclists don't have mirrors, or indicators, and are far more vulnerable hence the need to learn and practice cycle craft skills - even though it is the responsibility of the driver NOT to over-take where it is neither safe nor practical. And yes, some cyclists are just anti-social assholes. I've had my fair share of run-ins with this lot..on my own bike. We are not all the same an some of us appreciate drivers like the one shown in this video :)