Hmm i'm bored and have no life. What to do?
I know, i'll go on rate, make up some bullshit stories about someone i know/have seen, fail miserably when it comes to humour and then wait for people to hit the plus on my comment.
Another phantom pregnancy to get more benefits. You have more kids than a school.
We all know you can’t keep your nickers on as you sleep with anymore as you are ugly and have a ingrown hairy muff that stinks like a fish market.
You are rancid love.
I get the feeling you're a dash cam wanker. The driver is pulling out then suddenly you're up the drivers arse. Not buying the "can't upload" the video, very convenient. Let's see the footage and change my mind.
He wasn’t doing 71 because he was actually doing a 69 with me .......