FFS, you gormless tart! If you can't drive along a straight road at more than 50% of the posted limit when its perfectly safe to do so then you need to seriously consider cutting your license in half and sending it back to the DVLA. Or you could put the bloody 'phone away and pay attention.
Look in your mirror; see that long line of vehicles crawling along behind you? That's all you, that is. At least one of them is being driven by someone who really needs to get home for a pee.
This lard arse smacked my mirror as i was driving in Yate. It was my right of way and he carried on. He got out saying i was to blame and i should slow down, when i was only doing 20mph!!? He then got back in his van and left the scene.Cant find the company online to complain? The company name on the small red van was
'EJD' an electrical company.
The driver is a complete fat twat!!
total spastic, pulling out into oncoming traffic on a 40MPH road in Frampton Cotterell