Parked up and then wandered off for a smoke. Let's hope that his workmanship is much better than his shambolic parking. In a parent/child space as well.
Inconsiderate driver. Parked me in at Twickenham stadium and ended up making me an hour late for work. Thanks! There was also another lady parked in by the person next to you who had to take her kids to a recital who couldn't get her car out and ended up having to arrange alternative transport and leave her car stuck. Don't you care about anyone else or does the whole world revolve around you? Unbelievably selfish!
Honda CR-V, driven by a god awfully. Didn't signal when switching lanes nearly led to a collision. I would suggest one takes heavy caution when around this driver.
Wow, cool, forgiven. Loves ditches. Seems like a nice guy