You sir are an A class idoit. Tailgating me by a few inches when I was unable to speed up or move lanes. This i a scary enough experience alone but with a child in thE car it's total unacceptable. What makes you think you can drive in such a way is beyond me. Grow the fuck and slow the fuck down, or you will end up killing some innocent person. God help the next driver who happens to be in "your" path
anybody know this absolute twat?! was riding my ped along the main road past Chippenham Rugby Club when this muppet (with all the room in the world) over takes with his car approximately 20cm away from me and comes across the front of me nearly taking me out.....after abusive gestures were exchanged he speeds ahead of me, pulls over, jumps out of his car and tries to kick me off of my bike, i'm travelling at 40mph with a lorry coming head on at 60....after pulling into Sainsbury's car park he arrives inciting a fight before being told to get back in his car and fuck off......anyone name this hardman??
Very well driven