Driving like an arse, undertaking and changing lanes like no one else is on the road
Trying to recreate the human centipede with every car infront of him. RAC worker as well...clearly tryna test other cars brakes
Cant use lanes correctly on the Fishbourne roundabout in Chichester. In lane 3 for Industrial estate / Chichester but cuts across into lane 2 last minute heading onto the a27 Portsmouth. Completely the wrong lane to be in.
Cunt in a Merc. 3 lanes going forwards with lanes 2 and 3 merging. He was in lane 2 and I was in lane 3 refusing to let me in, all other traffic is able to merge as normal but this bellend doesn’t get this logic. To add insult to injury he then goes from lane 2 to lane 1 at the end of the merging lane. At the next merging lane, lanes 1 and 2 merge. He then goes up to the front and pushes himself in. So he knows how the should be used but instead he just drives like a cunt.
Speeder truck in the Wrea Green area, tailgating others and cutting through residential only areas.