YA54 HOR 2019-07-15 18:17:57

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YA14 PXY 2019-07-04 15:11:07

This guy (who btw is a taxi driver) was sitting in the right hand lane when there was no need to be in the right hand lane, there was nothing on the left. Eventually he indicates and moves to the left. However the review he put on here about my driving at this time is untrue. He states that I came up behind him flashing my lights and beeping my horn and stating that I put my middle finger out of the window. Further down the road he comes flying up behind me driving up my arse. Delusional people like this should not be driving especially being a taxi driver. What a bellend!!!!
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YA68 HCN 2019-06-22 19:10:13

DPD van driven by a very aggressive bloke in a real hurry with a death wish. Hassling and tailgating everyone, swerving between lanes without indicating and cutting up anyone that dares get in his way as he tears past them
Moronic driving in a clearly marked DPD van - reported to the police for careless, aggressive selfish driving.
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YA18 EOX 2019-06-28 22:11:51

impatient driver , unsafe overtake , abuse of horn
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YA14 ZUC 2019-06-16 20:42:59

Absolute idiot, riding up my ass for ages.
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YA57 UWP 2019-06-05 19:12:44

This idiot needs to learn Highway Code, almost caused an accident with a cyclist today in Leeds at the scothall road roundabout. Photo from my dashcam
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YA55 AMG 2019-06-09 23:51:35

Ok ok a45 amg fucking idiot driver nearly scraped my door doesn’t even know how to drive the teen
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YA62 CXJ 2019-06-04 20:43:11

Can not drive for shit
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YA06 SDZ 2019-05-25 18:28:01

tailgates at 60mph on country roads; ignores 30mph speed limits
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YA17 WLD 2019-05-31 12:25:38

Drives like she owns the road speeds all time
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