YA17 FYH 2019-05-23 16:42:54

Big fish, small pond syndrome.
Can't use roundabouts.
Drives like a twonk.
Cuts in last minute.
Brake checks.
Throws up the middle finger.
Gets all aggressive.
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YA17 GGJ 2019-05-30 07:31:47

Great driver, considerate and kind.
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YA65 YHM 2019-05-19 18:23:57

White BMW 2 Series parked right in the middle of the street at the end causing all sorts of obstructions to the houses on each side at the end.

Being compounded by police as we speak! Karma! šŸ˜‚
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YA18 KKW 2019-05-16 19:51:08

Atrocious nonce in a white lame rover. Probably a kiddy fiddler.

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YA67 JYT 2019-05-13 14:44:03

Cut across lanes on a local large roundabout. Could have caused an accident. Be aware unable to follow lanes.
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YA52 RSZ 2019-04-29 00:11:06

Very poor lane discipline
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YA17 OHH 2019-04-19 12:28:23

Dangerous overtaking of a slow vehicle, causing oncoming traffic to slow down

Impatient driver, evidently

This was in Market Weighton.
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YA12 DXC 2019-03-24 17:07:32

This little cunt does an incredibly stupid manoeuvre, as I'm turning right at a junction coming up on my outside on the wrong side of the road to cut me up. Then gets irate at being honked, stops in middle of road and gets out his car.

Word of advice you skinny little runt, if you're going to do that follow it through instead of bottling it and looking like a twat.
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YA13 KEY 2019-03-29 19:00:07

Terrible driver, dashing between cars on motorway
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YA14 YAS 2019-03-20 22:48:46

Thanks - Iā€™m not perfect but I do try! It must have been me, rather than the wife!
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