whoever posted porn i hope when you pour a glass of water the water goes down the side. I hope you also get a little bit of water spilled on your shirt and that your charger breaks. I hope you get shampoo in your eyes and that both sides of your pillow are warm.
I like this kid. Ran over a few children but tbh they needed to be eradicated. He then drove around recklessly in his fucking pink car but he had the same mentality as me! We then started an illegal drag race and became best mates. Love him to def. would highly recommend as he has a lovely assortment of weed plants!
Honestly the worst driver I’ve ever seen. Driving recklessly, flipping people off, and being a total dickass in a bright pink Tesla. I’ve made multiple police reports which are currently pending. Also cut me off multiple times and made me nearly swerve off the road.
crash in to my car whlie driveing