2002 MG ZT
Sadly all of these cars have now been cleared by the council, and are more than likely going to be crushed. This is the same house that has the Y reg Sierra, Grey & Gold 75s, the other Sierra, the M reg cardinal Hearse, the mystery car and also the purple V reg Cougar, all of which have now been repossessed and taken away after the neighbors complained so I heard. A darn shame as some of these cars were quite rare, but oh well, it’s life. He only has the blue V reg Punto now.
Silly woman who cant drive or understand roundabouts. No indicator and didnt have a care in the world for anyone else. She uses left hand lane to go right on the roundabout almost crashing into me
2002 MG ZT
Sadly all of these cars have now been cleared by the council, and are more than likely going to be crushed. This is the same house that has the Y reg Sierra, Grey & Gold 75s, the other Sierra, the M reg cardinal Hearse, the mystery car and also the purple V reg Cougar, all of which have now been repossessed and taken away after the neighbors complained so I heard. A darn shame as some of these cars were quite rare, but oh well, it’s life. He only has the blue V reg Punto now.