07:10 on 14/08/19
A586 Churchtown towards St Michael’s-on-Wyre
Pervert speeder and dangerous overtaking when approaching bends and doing in excess of 70 in a 50 zone.
Racing through Lancaster with MM07TJV at 10:30pm on a Friday night. This one was the lesser of the two idiots but still an idiot all the same for racing.
Dangerously tailgated me even though the traffic was heavy. Not sure what he was trying to achieve. A dangerous idiot and should not be allowed on the road. Even more stupid, he was driving a works van emblazoned with Tony Hartley Plumbing of York. Good move. Will be reported to the police.
DPD driver - excessive speed and acceleration in a 20mph zone in Duxford 1040hrs. DPD need to take responsibility for the drivers they contract and ensure they are safe; liability should rest with DPD as they are the contracting organization which should have HS&E systems in place to assure safety to the public.
Absolutely idiot driver! Right up my back side, weaving in and out it traffic and undertaking cars on the M54 motorway!
He will cause an accident!