I was driving behind this person when he pulled out of a junction on me burning rubber on the way out scared me half to death seen him a couple of times using our village as a race track must think he's great in his Arden blue Astra Vxr
Very aggressive & abusive, beeping and revving and wanting me to pull forward into a keep clear area so he could squeeze past. Shouting and hand signals. I refused to be bullied & break law but he clearly aggressive and unconcerned with highway code or other road users. No patience & likely to cause accidents!
This taxi driver (Blueline) tried to quickly pull out in front of me whilst visiting my local supermarket
There are give way markings for myself but as i was over the give way lines when this taxi driver decided to pull out in front of me not giving me time to either stop or to get out of his way, I'm the first to admit fault but in this instance i was not to blame, As usual all i got was a bit of foul mouth abuse and what looked like a hand gesture that reminded me of when i was a teenager, Taxi guy looked in his 50s lol
Oh well i guess some fool will come on here and rent out their mouths and say differently no doubt as i have noticed a lot of that on this website
*Say what they shall have to say and move onto thy next victim thee oh tempters of profanity*
Tailgating cockerel
Sat 2 ft from my bumper while 3 lanes of traffic plod along at 55 in the average speed section of the M6 roadworks
If I'd have braked he'd be pushing up daisies.