Driving too fast through built up area, refused to slow down for bus and nearly hit me and my dog as he swerved to avoid the bus at the last moment. Agreesive and dangerous driving.
Approaches junction box (Purley
Way and Croydon Road junction at 08:12 hours) in nearside lane, then moves forward as if going straight, Suddenly, whilst mid way in the junction box, she manoeuvres over to the right, forcing me to halt in the junction box!
Frequent rat-runner. Constantly approaches West park roundabout (coming into darlington) in right hand lane if left lane is jammed, with the intention of going straight ahead. Either cuts you off or goes round the roundabout once. Very impatient.
turning right from the left hand lane on a dual carriageway roundabout. very dangerous. then proceeds to drive along braking all the time making us all have to react not sure if it's proper braking. just chill out a bit.
Think this is an UBER- a Prius with council taxi licence sticker. Driver was speeding down a residential street whilst on his mobile, reached the end, didn't indicate, pulled out on someone then did a complete U turn again with no signals or regard for other road users or oncoming traffic. Driver also fancies himself as a bit of a boy racer, having fitted white neon lighting around the grille. Looks like a right tool.
Driving too fast through built up area, refused to slow down for bus and nearly hit me and my dog as he swerved to avoid the bus at the last moment. Agreesive and dangerous driving.