YK19 SRL 2022-01-29 20:51:36

I drive a BMW so I don't need to use indicators.
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YK07 ZSG 2022-01-20 16:17:30

Two officer types (white collar) in this black Ford Fiesta were in the left lane of the Lancaster one way system speeding up because there was less traffic in an attempt to undertake and barge into the right hand lane.

I got a suspicion they were going to move over so closed the gap by going a little faster than the vehicle in front even though they were going faster than me, so as they started to undertake me the space was insufficient and they had to back off to move over behind me. It was obvious they were trying to barge their way in front.
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YK68 RMU 2022-01-24 12:12:58

Piggy mobile with illegal tint
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YK08 TYO 2021-12-30 04:26:50

'Filming in public spaces is not a crime, includng when you chose to get in front of the lens. Deal with it. Threats will also work against you.'

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YK08 GBZ 2021-12-13 14:40:33

Think your car is an ev and need 2 parking spaces?
Thanks for using not using just one ev space but the space on the left as well!
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YK63 WFP 2021-12-04 21:08:42

C*ck sucker slams his breaks to give a piggy way
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YK57 KBX 2021-11-29 02:03:20

(White mini cooper bald lil turd flips off driver and gets scared seeing the dash cam)

yeh get back in ya little shit box ya lil ginger fag your 1 slap away from santas ballsweat
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YK18 LAF 2021-11-04 22:42:22

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YK64 XJM 2021-11-04 10:32:24

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YK61 HCA 2021-11-10 22:49:03

Known vehicle used in thefts
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