YO06 WEZ 2017-09-25 18:28:26

Perhaps the driver thought the cyclist cut them up? Especially if the driver (wrongly) assumes cycle lane use is compulsory. Whatever the case, I see no reason the encroach further upon the cyclist's space and neither do I see any reason for both the driver and passenger to be so abusive.

Now I've toiled over the following. I want to state before-hand that it's entirely speculative and more importantly, it does not infer or state any association with any business or person interest. Neither does it mean the entity named below agrees or disagrees with the actions shown. This seems to be a family business I am referring to; one that's been operating 15 years with a good reputation. So if any approach is made, I would strongly advise to try and keep it on a civil level and only via electronic communication. Please, no spam.

OK, you might be confused as to what I'm going on about. Well basically, I'm specifically referring to the logo on the back of that car. I have tried and tried to make it out but I can't see it in 720p so I am guessing. Alright? I am asking if the logo pertains to the following company:


I don't know if these people are employees or associates of said enterprise. But even if they are, let's remember that even with the best intentions one can never have eyes and ears everywhere. What I am saying is that if it ever transpired they were part of the company then never assume their actions would be condoned.

I suggested approaching them over the Internet, and take it from there. Does anyone have any better ideas? I'm trying to be fair to all here. Hope this helps.
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YO06 WES 2017-08-21 02:54:38

The bike clearly pulled into the middle of the road once he saw the car behind. Why ? because they are a bellend.
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YO17 KOH 2017-08-03 12:49:36

Rude driver, pulled across a roundabout without looking, responded with a middle finger when he heard the horn warning him of oncoming traffic forced to brake.
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YO16 LGV 2017-03-02 09:59:29

Well, you know the score. The arrows painted on the road are only advisory, so merc is not breaking the law and appeared to be moving lanes cautiously. If anything you were poorly positioned, having to jump from the right lane to the left lane to exit. It could even be argued you were cutting the merc up. Have a nice day and drive more safely next time.
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YO16 LGV 2017-03-02 08:13:54

what a moron
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YO15 KHW 2017-02-15 16:44:03

Saw it doin handbrek turns on CP, reyt gud baz

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YOY 932 2016-07-23 02:51:49

Good driver
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YX21 WWB 2024-06-14 15:16:38

Absolute fucking moron. Drove all the way from the m1 Milton Keynes junction into shefford hovering between 20 and 30mph with a massive queue behind them. Unbelievably didn't stop for a single roundabout, straight through right in front of whoever was coming. Most dangerous cunt I've witnessed in years.
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YC67 TCU 2024-06-13 17:13:16

Copied from wrong number plate

Learner? More like a fucking useless blind idiot .
An accident waiting to happen.

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YD12 RVU 2024-06-12 21:03:40

I feel bad for this driver as they had no way to avoid the Audi driver who didn't look properly
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