YO17 UJC 2019-10-24 06:52:10

This morning at 6.25am one of your branded work vans (Blyth Group) was driving dangerously. The registration of this vehicle is YO17 UJC. He took me over on a 20mph area near a school and put our life at risk. He almost hit an island in the road and then nearly collided with a bin truck in front. Terrible driving and speeding well over the limit. This was on 227 Feltham Hill Rd, Ashford TW15 1LX. The bin trucks do have cameras and I am sure Surrey Councils workers won't mind corroborating this.
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YO68 NYY 2019-10-25 10:09:05

speeding on coach Rd Astley
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YO67 YNJ 2019-10-14 11:28:03

That's a expensive repair to put right.
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YO17 SEX 2019-10-15 12:07:12

Sexy teen
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YO16 ZDG 2019-08-25 07:30:09

This Uber driver nearly ploughed through my family by going straight through as we were already crossing on a pedestrian crossing outside of Leeds.

Not sure how these are classed as professional drivers.
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YO15 CGZ 2019-08-23 11:15:07

82 year old woman driving while admitting to police her eye sight has been getting worse. Has now been banded from driving permanently. She is in Worksop area.
Watch out for her. Grey Peugeot 108
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YO19 BHP 2019-08-21 17:47:08

Thinks he owns the Road ! Bullying others out the way .
Jumping lights approaching lights in the wrong lane playing dumb then proceeds to cut everyone up just to save a couple mins in traffic .
Lucky we were a few vehicles back as you would no way be getting in front of our TowTruck mate we would drive straight through you so you end up in the River.

You will make Enemies
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YO15 EDU 2019-07-28 03:03:01

Lovely young lady, stopped her car to help me up after I had a dizzy spell and fallen over on the side of the road.
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YO10 ECO 2019-07-22 16:35:23

One of the ugliest cars on the road, in the worst colour imaginable, with a terrible number plate.

What the actual fuck! Tell me this is some joke...
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YO16 ZCY 2019-07-05 14:42:16

bangladeshi female driver in her 30s on the phone also swearing loud mouth white range rover on westferry road london E14.
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